I think I need to play catch up. These past few weeks have held a lot of events that I have been super exciting for me.
Okay first, a big applaud to the Giants. This week we clinched the National League West champions title and are now moving on to play for a spot in the World Series (and if everything works out I might be able to go to a game). I'm elated. It has been far too long and the boys have
finally shaped up. Grandpa and Dad say they will do it this year.
Next, the transfer to UCSB. Stoked. I absolutely loved my experience at city college but there is a feeling that can not compare when on a university campus. It's rad. Not to mention I might have the most killer professors. My
Campaigns and College Drinking professor said these words when someone asked if we were having a final as it wasn't listed on the syllabus, "Oh yeah, no we're not. It was scheduled for a Saturday, so I said fuck that". Love her. Not to mention she is intelligent and teaches a class that is useful, fulfilling and stimulating. I digress. So glad to be at UCSB after two years of hard work. My list of must-take classes?
1. Studio art. I chatted with a girl in my feminist studies class who is a studio art major and I had an instant flashback of sitting in my high school art studio, listening to my ipod, and painting for the quickest hour of my day. If I could get school credit to sit in a studio for three straight hours, one day a week I might be the happiest girl ever. Cross your fingers that I can get into a class.
2. French. Hello?? I'm going to be in France one year from now! Gotta get practicing.
Merci, oui, menage trois. That's all I've got at this point. ;)
3. More comm classes with Afifi. She is proving to be one of my favorite professors already. If any of you readers are comm majors at SBCC, she is the female version of Garard. So. Rad.
And last, but maybe most importantly, my puppies are visiting. They came to Santa Barbara with my sister on Sunday and are taking a full week vacation from my mom and stepdad. Their silly grins make my heart smile. How do I live without a dog on a day to day basis?
Princess Bella Lu |
Pippa Kimball |
I'll keep the good news coming. :)