Wednesday, November 17

Let the Festivities Begin

Oh, the quarter system. So much quicker than the semester system. There is seriously zero time to slack, or for that matter, take a break. The past few weeks have been full of writing papers, making surveys, reading chapter after chapter, and then preparing to do it all over again. Luckily, I do get to take a physical break from Santa Barbara next week. Back home to Northern California I go on Tuesday for Thanksgiving break and I could not be more excited. It's the little things like playing with my puppies, cold weather, and seeing my mom and dad that make the holidays so great.

Can't wait to snuggle with Pip and Bella Lu!
This year Kate and I are planning on making big waves for Thanksgiving at our grandparents. Since we have both been following vegan diets for the past year (Kate has been longer... she's awesome), we are going to be making some new dishes that are equally delicious as they are healthy. So far I think we have agreed that these dishes are going to make an appearance:

  • candied yams
  • some wildly delicious salad with ridiculous amounts of veggies
  • cranberry chutney with cilantro and jalapeno (courtesy of Uncle Matty from last year)
We are still brainstorming, but I will be sure to post pictures of all our tasty dishes. You are all going to wish you were invited to the deDiego Thanksgiving events each year. 

Also, my dad's side of the family has a tradition of going to dinner at a local mexican food restaurant, Little Tampico, and then hitting up the local bars for a night of fun the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and this year I get to go! Not completely legally, but we deDiego's know how to work magic (aka sister's ID). There are sure to be some classic stories and great pictures to come from this night. Stay tuned. 

Here is the skirt I am thinking will make a great fall statement for the festivities: 

Loving this!
And the best part? It's only $20 from Old Navy. I'm thinking of pairing this with a black blouse, black tight and my booties. And I'll jazz it up with some jewels. 

Really looking forward to seeing the fam, baking up some delicacies with my mama, snuggling with puppies, and fresh made espresso at my dad's house. See you soon Santa Cruz/Bay Area! 


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