Monday, February 28


I had an alarming realization tonight. After browsing for a pleated mini skirt and thinking about what I would want to wear it with, I realized.... that I create outfits that 1995's Clueless main character, Cher, would wear! Slightly alarming, slightly exciting. The first time I saw Clueless, like every other girl, I was instantly envious when Cher watched her clothes pass by in her rotating closet and generated outfits through her computer. Her perfectly, preppy outfits were darling, but oh-so-nineties. However, tonight, I realized that I re-create Cher inspired outfits quite often. Knee high socks with skirts? I love it.

This is exactly what I want for spring fashion, absolutely Clueless inspired.

Friday, February 25

Yes Please.

Someone take me to Zara. These are perfect.

Thursday, February 3

A Long Delay

I have shunned MakingTee for the past month and I am so regretting it. I have compiled so many beautiful things that I want to share but I feel overwhelmed! After the holidays my life has been consumed with school, work, getting together with friends back from Europe, practicing french (I'm addicted), so getting around to posting has been difficult. However, midterms will be over soon and I can work MakingTee back into my schedule.

Until then, I have to share my most favorite, most spectacular, most thriftiest thrift ever! I recently dropped some old clothes off at the Goodwill and while walking through I found... a Theory blazer for $7.99 in absolute perfect condition! The best thrift ever? I'm not even going to try to be modest!

More to come in the next week!
