Wednesday, January 20

Thankful Thankfultons!

About a year ago my sisters let me in on a little ritual they practiced every morning to start their days in a positive spirit: e-mailing each other a list of five to ten things they were thankful for in their lives. After being let in on their daily e-mail chain, I was hooked. I was able to think of twenty things I was thankful for quicker than ever before. So after an extended break from announcing my "thankful thankfultons", as my sister Brooke would say, I am bringing them back. And glad to be, as I have much to be thankful for. So here they are:

Today I am thankful for:
1. My heating mattress pad that my mom gave me for Christmas. Sure southern California is never that cold but it does come in handy when we have the winter weather we are experiencing right now. Thunder, lightning and rain can't stop me from me being warm!

2. My dear friend Christine helping me make coconut macaroons last night. SO. DELICIOUS.

Homemade Coconut Macaroon cookies.

3. My sister Katelyn introducing me to many delicious recipes and teaching me healthy eating tips. Without her I might be ten, unwanted pounds heavier.

4. My boss letting me wear my pink rainboots all day today at work. I guess it was casual/comfy day at work because of all the yucky weather.

5. My healthy, functioning body.

6. Clean water and a warm house. After hearing about all of the people struggling in Haiti it is good to acknowledge even the most basic of necessities.

I am happy to have thankfuls back for 2010. I feel confident that I will have a lot to be thankful for this year. More to come later!


Tuesday, January 19

We're Going to the Circus!

After five relaxing days of snuggling with my puppies, reading my new book and spending time with my family at home, I am well rested and back in Santa Barbara. A perfect way to end my very long winter break.

While I spent most of my time inside due to northern California's stormy winter weather, my family and I did bare the cold one evening to venture into San Francisco. In accordance with what I named "French Week", my mom and step dad generously treated my sister and I to third row seats to see Cirque Du Soleil: Ovo, which is currently touring the bay area. Words can not accurately portray the unbelievable performance that we watched that evening, but if I had to give it my best shot I would say this: I would forfeit all movie watching rights in exchange for monthly tickets to see Cirque Du Soliel. Maybe even bi-monthly. After every segment of the two hour show, my jaw dropped, my stomach clenched and I became a sudden believer in magic. Not only did the performers make the physically impossible happen, they also put on an excellent theatrical show. Each performer was adorned in beautifully ornate costumes and never once stepped out of character. Truly an amazing show that I highly recommend. Not to mention a new form of entertainment that I can add to my list of "activities tried" for 2010. And a great way to kick off "French Week".

Mom, Darrell and Katelyn outside the tents of Cirque Du Soleil

Mom, Darrell and I 

After a wonderful week spent laughing, snuggling and keeping warm from the winter weather I am glad to be back in Santa Barbara, gearing up for spring semester. As always I am already missing my sister's offer to make breakfast, my dad's espresso machine and my mom's bear hugs, but I am excited to welcome in my last semester at city college and make it the best yet!


Monday, January 18

New Years Resolutions

Welcome to what is to become my new favorite hobby: Making Tee. With the change of the decade and a promising new year I have decided to start a blog that will document my experiences as I work to accomplish my new years resolutions. So, here I go.

This year, 2010, I have made two new years resolutions:
·      1.  to think positively of myself and the people around me, and
·      2. to begin to uncover my real self (I have always been inspired by a quote by David Harold Fink:    “Know what you want. Become your real self", readily available on my Facebook page's favorite quotes section)

I’m not sure if it is the new year, or the gradual aging that has fallen upon me but I am now, more than ever, ready to try new things and find what I am truly passionate about. I figure blogging will serve as trying something new while I record the things I am learning about myself over the course of this year (which I have high hopes for J). So to begin, here are the things I have discovered about myself since January 1st:

 First, I have a serious addiction to buying clothes, lingerie, accessories, shoes, house wares, antiques, craft supplies… and the list continues. Essentially, I am addicted to shopping. When I am not physically shopping in local stores and boutiques, I am shopping online. And when I am not shopping online I am making virtual purchases in my mind. I think it is a sickness and being a college student, it might be fatal.

Second, I actually DO like cooking. I just discovered that when following a recipe I CAN cook and really do enjoy the entire process. While I was home at my mom’s house during the holidays I had three successful cooking experiences: a roasted vegetable pasta salad, delicious cranberry orange cookies and delicious popover pastries! Who knew I could cook and actually make something worth eating??

Popover pastries with raspberries. Yum!

Third, I have the courage to live abroad. And I am elated about my plans to study in France during 2011. The idea of living in Paris has occupied my mind since my family visited France some years ago, but just recently have I committed to actually manifesting my fantasy into reality. After talking about study abroad experiences over coffee with my sisters one morning, I have made plans to study through the EAP center in Paris, France during my senior year of college. Since that morning I have been daydreaming daily about my Parisian life waiting for me in 2011. I do not think this will be good for my shopping addiction.

To continue exploring what excites me and tests my courage, I am vowing to try new activities, foods, books, trends, etc. to uncover my true self. I figure that with a change of decade and many changes in my life this year it is a perfect time to explore myself and find out what I truly love. I can’t wait to see what comes!
