Monday, November 8

Being Thankful.

I'm not sure if it is widely known how difficult it is to be a college student who also works. It is exhausting. And yet also fulfilling. On a day like today, when I freaked out about the amount of school work I have to do in the next three weeks, my whole world seems really small. It is much easier to see the negative side of a situation when the weight of projects, deadlines, papers, and my work holiday schedule occupy my mind... constantly. However, after all of the dust has settled and it is time to start making a dent in that pile of work and stress, I have many things to be thankful for. 
  1. My sisters. B and Koop just know how to make me feel better. No matter what. And after having a little melt down about school work, internships, traveling abroad, and making money I can not express how reassuring it is to come home to a e-mail from Kate with a subject line that says "You Can Do It All". Thanks beebee. You mean the world to me. 
  2. Kate. Again. She not only helps me edit my papers but also guides me through my life when I can not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Without her I may never understand the expense of studying abroad, or whether the internship I apply to is legit or not. You deserve double thanks tonight Koop. 
My pretty sister, Katelyn. 
3. Youtube. A place where I can watch video after video of yellow lab and bernese mountain puppies sleep, play, talk, etc. Instant joy. 

4. Aundrina's man who made pumpkin pie from scratch tonight. Seriously, he made it from a pumpkin. YUM!

5. Knee high socks. They rock. For day time with a skirt, and night time with sleep shorts. Yup, I love them that much. 
Bring it on Monday. 


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