Sunday, June 26

Weekend Packing List

This summer and, of course, this fall my weekends are going to be full of short trips to visit friends, family and foreign places. Thus, I compiled a list of essentials for a weekend away, whether it is as close as the next town over or far across the globe.

A small suitcase that ensures I don't overpack
(via etsy)

Black sunnies for beautiful days
(via Etsy)

A far from boring water bottle to keep hydrated

A small, leather pouch for coins and cards
(via Etsy)

A light weight scarf for cool planes, trains and automobiles
(via Etsy)

Gloss, fragrance, and salve all in one darling tin
(via Sephora)

1 comment:

  1. You're gonna be the cutest little traveler Paris has ever seen!
