Really great things are happening to me as I continue to prepare for my trip to Paris. Last week I traveled home to bay area (with my teensy, tiny Honda civic packed to the brim) to get my French Visa, bring some un-needed items to my parents' houses and visit with my family before I began summer school. My appointment with the French consulate was on Tuesday morning and by Thursday evening my visa had been expedited and delivered to my house in Santa Barbara. Lady luck? It's high season for visa applications so the sight of my visa on my living room coffee table was a huge shock! I'm taking it as a good omen for my travels.
And even better, the luck didn't stop there. After my appointment with the French consulate on Tuesday I romped around San Francisco, visiting various vintage fabric stores and the most amazing Goodwill I have ever come across. I know many people have a stigma against the Goodwill, as it has a connotation with dirty, overused clothes. Not the case here. The goodwill at Mission St. was perfectly organized (with appropriate labels of each rack, ranging from vintage women's blouse to blazers and long length dresses) and clean. A dream come true for an avid thrift shopper like me! While I was tempted to buy many, many things I limited myself the perfect pair of menswear inspired loafers. I had been on the hunt, looking at loafers at Nordstrom, Piperlime, et cetera and never took the plunge. Thank goodness because these kicks are in pristine condition and cost me a mere $10. I know, outrageous.

And the last bit of fun news: I made an awesome canvas and leather clutch for summer time use (with minimal help from my mama!). To be completely honest, it was rather simple. Even attaching the zipper.
As I am showered with this luck and good fortune the butterflies in my stomach are increasing. The countdown to Paris as well as my summer of intense summer courses, farmers market frequenting and lots of time in the sun continues. Now I'm off to see Midnight in Paris with some of my best girlfriends and eat too much buttery popcorn. No complaints.