So, I can't believe it but I leave for Paris in a little under 15 weeks. About once a week I have an ah-ha, revelation moment where the reality of my adventure sets in. It's usually at work and I will suddenly blurt out "Oh my god, I'm going to Paris in three months!" As I prepare for the amazing adventure that lies ahead I am collecting things that will be necessary while I am romping around Paris. First thing that I checked off of my checklist: a new wallet. I love my sparkly, gold wallet that I bought in NYC last summer but I broke the zipper about two weeks after returning to Santa Barbara. Lame. However, I found a darling, vintage French travel wallet that I absolutely adore. And it was only $17 on Etsy! Check it out:
I can't wait to put my passport, train tickets and Euros in this beautiful clutch/travel wallet while exploring Europe. I'll have more pre-departure goodies each week so stay tuned!